University’s relationship with a faculty startup company

University’s relationship with a faculty startup company


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Policy document

Washington University in St.Louis’ publiceert een compact beleid voor de relatie tussen universiteit en onderzoeker met een startup.

Washington University in St. Louis recognizes that the primary functions are education, research, the expansion of knowledge and the application of that knowledge to advance the common good.

Further, the primary professional obligation of faculty is to Washington University.

To facilitate technology transfer, the university needs to provide an organizational structure and procedures through which inventions and discoveries made in the course of university research are made readily available to the public through channels of commerce. The university further recognizes that efficient and effective means of commercializing university technology may be through small, startup companies that are founded by, or have a close relationship with, university faculty. The university is enthusiastic about such ventures and wishes to be supportive of faculty and companies formed for the purpose of developing and commercializing university technology. When such companies are formed, conflict of interest, conflict of commitment and other issues related to assuring the most effective and rapid development of university technology into products benefiting the public must be addressed. The following recommendations address the relationship between the university and startup companies founded by members of the university faculty.


  • Assumptions
  • Responsibilities of university
  • Responsibilities of faculty
  • University’s relationship to the startup company
  • Specific stipulations regarding research support by the startup company
  • Permitted use of Washington University Research Space

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