16 Sep 2022
In ten lessons, eight experienced professors of social sciences and humanities give tools to fellow scientists wishing to make impact with their research.
In a new brochure, a publication of the KNAW's Social Science Council, they argue for more appreciation for research impact and offer practical tools to get started.
The lessons:
- Impact is fueled by fundamental research
- Impact starts with defining the issues you want focus on
- To have an impact, your knowledge must be seen and heard
- Impact is (also) 'real' work
- Collaboration with strategic partners increases your chances of impact
- Generating impact takes patience
- Timing and opportunism are important tools to get impact
- Impact can take on unwanted forms - be resilient
- Impact is a multifaceted, layered, subtle phenomenon - so don't flatten it
- Impact should never be at the expense of scientific independence
The brochure was written by the following professors of social sciences or humanities: Godfried Engbersen, Andrea Evers, Beatrice de Graaf, Paul 't Hart, Anita Jansen, Lotte Jensen, Leo Lucassen and Maarten Prak.
Download the brochure (in Dutch) here