Can science and entrepreneurship be combined? Should you want to regulate this as a university or knowledge institution and, if so, to what extent?
Following the news about the departure of Hans Clevers to Roche, the Dutch media has published various articles and interviews in recent weeks about limits to the options for combining research and entrepreneurship. Amongst others, Reineke Timmermans (Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers - VNO-NCW), Ineke Sluiter (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) and entrepreneurial researcher Hans Clevers presented their views on valorisation. These articles revealed just how complex valorisation is and that finding a solution for more impact from our top science is far from simple.
The articles concerned are listed below. They are all in Dutch, but the titles have been translated into English.
In the media
Reineke Timmermans
policy secretary VNO-NCW
Wetenschapper zou ook ondernemer kunnen en moeten zijn [It should and has to be possible for a researcher to be an entrepreneur too] | VNO-NCW opinion piece
Ineke Sluiter
president of KNAW
Restricties zijn hard nodig voor ondernemende wetenschappers [Urgent need to place restrictions on entrepreneurial researchers] | interview in the Dutch newspaper FD
Hans Clevers
Head Roche Pharma Research and Early Development (pRED), Professor Utrecht University and Group leader Hubrecht Institute, the Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology and Oncode Investigator
Topwetenschapper Clevers stapt over naar farmaconcern Roche [Top scientist Clevers switches to pharmaceutical company Roche] | interview in the Dutch newspaper FD
Nederlandse topwetenschapper Clevers vertrekt naar Zwitserland, deels uit frustratie | [Dutch top scientist Clevers departs for Switzerland, partly out of frustration] | article in the Dutch newspaper NRC
Toponderzoeker Hans Clevers verruilt universiteit voor farmacieconcern: ‘In Nederland kijkt men vol argwaan naar deze bedrijfstak’ | [Top researcher Hans Clevers exchanges university for pharmaceutical company: ‘In the Netherlands, people regard this line of business with disdain’] | interview the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant