8 Dec 2021
KplusV carried out a preliminary study into the (semi-)public funding provision for knowledge-intensive startups. Via startups, scientific knowledge can have a positive impact on the Dutch (and global) economy and society. However, these startups can only reach maturity if a continuous chain of financial resources is in place. The possible interventions needed to realise such a chain can only be determined if there is a clear picture of how the capital market for these knowledge-intensive startups works.
What did KplusV discover?
- In practice, the funding is provided later than the theoretical timeframe established when funding is awarded; consequently, the funding provision is lower than is generally assumed;
- This deviation is mainly found within semi-public funding instruments;
- The lower the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) is, the lower the funding provision.
Follow-up research is needed to determine whether funding policy requires a different design. This should explore:
- The actual demand from entrepreneurs. Do entrepreneurs need funding in the early TRLs or do other challenges play a role at that stage?
- A detailed overview of financial provisions: a complete overview of individual schemes per TRL and the provision per theme and sector.
- The relationship between the returns and the moment of investment.
Download the KplusV report here (in Dutch)