5th Edition Academic Startup Competition kicks off


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The Academic Startup Competition (ASC) offers ambitious startups the opportunity to compete for the competition of the most promising academic ventures in the Netherlands.

The Academic Startup Competition (ASC) is designed to accelerate the growth of the most promising academic ventures from Dutch universities, research institutes and applied science institutes.

Key impact areas

ASC focuses on startups addressing solutions in these key impact areas:

  • Transition in Healthcare & Wellbeing
  • Transition in Agriculture, Food, and Water
  • Building New, Clean & Sustainable Industries
  • Energy Transition
  • Towards an Equal, Diverse, Inclusive & Secure Society

This year, startups can only participate if they are nominated by Dutch universities and affiliated programs.

The ASC is a collaborative initiative by Techleap, Universiteiten van Nederland, NFU - Nederlandse Federatie van Universitair Medische Centra , Netherlands Academy of Engineering, Ministry of Economic Affairs, EWUU alliance (TU/e, WUR, UU, UMC Utrecht), ScaleNL and Preneurz.Amsterdam,